At least once while searching for E-waste recycling companies in Dubai we envisage the faces of Greta Thunberg and 15 other kids who questioned the older generations about violating their rights of living in a greener and cleaner world. The sense of guilt is evident on everyone’s faces when her questions strike a blow on the face. It is time to give it back to our children. Let us start by responsibly handling our wastes.
Although many of us are trying hard, zero waste is an impossible feat. However, we can always try to reduce waste and properly dispose it. Now let us start with all the unwanted electronic junk at our houses and workplaces.
What is E-waste?
E-waste is any electronic item that has lost its utility and should be discarded. Computers, laptop, battery, household appliances, mobile phones, bulbs etc. are a few to name. Once the need for these items becomes null, we term them as e-waste or e-scrap.
Sometimes we throw away laptops because new technology has taken over and our work demands better machinery. In such case, the former can be donated but if it is ruined beyond repairs, better opt for electronic waste disposal.
Which E-waste recycling companies in Dubai should be approached?
When we choose e-waste recycling companies, the first step should be to visit their website and have a look at the process. There are a few crucial points that should be highlighted there.
Data destruction
Sometimes electronic waste disposal is done irresponsibly by the recycling companies. The hard drives consisting of various information may land in the hands of anti-social elements who can extract the data and use it against its owner or for other destructive activities. When electronic waste disposal companies declare that they indulge in data destruction, it is an assurance that your data will be permanently erased and the storage units disintegrated.
Certified recycler
The valid certification of electronic waste disposal companies is a proof that they will responsibly handle your distorted equipment. A lot of corruption, such as transporting rags to African countries for children to dissect them, is prevalent in this field. Hence you must find a company that doesn’t indulge in such criminal activities as if that happens; you indirectly are posing a threat to the little humans.
Working for a social cause
Visit e-waste recycling companies if you are working for a social cause. For many of them, it is merely a business company only if you are sure that they earn bucks, and the result is that they collect your garbage and dump it somewhere else. If the company is pledged at responsibly eradicating the e-waste, we can confidently approach them.
Pick up facility
Most e-waste recycling companies offer pickup facilities. One can either drop the waste at their outlets or inform them so that these could be collected. Many e-waste recycling companies in Dubai also offer subscription facilities of Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and IT asset disposition (ITAD). By subscribing it, the company will contact you at regular intervals to know if there is any e-waste to be disposed of.
The Process
E-waste management happens in the revolutionary process of three R’s, i.e. revaluate, refurbish and reuse. The computer that is not working may seem useless to you, but it is made of multiple components that could be resued if facilitated back to the manufacturer.
We disintegrate the components of a product and try to reuse them in another device. The refurbished goods available in the market are a result of their efforts.
We, at New green start electronic recycling understand the responsibility of the task we endure. Every step taken is towards a cleaner world so that our future generations are thankful and not angry for destroying what they deserved.
As we’re one of the most responsible e-Waste disposal companies, we follow all the safety protocols and the procedures of international standards. Get in touch with us. We’re here to help with your queries.